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Dec 8, 202410 min read
White Island Light & the Isles of Shoals, Maine & New Hampshire
This cluster of 9 islands straddles the state line between Maine & New Hampshire. They're home to New Hampshire's only offshore lighthouse.

Jul 14, 20245 min read
Plum Beach Lighthouse, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
This 1899 Rhode Island lighthouse was abandoned for 62 years. When restoration began, 104,000 pounds of bird guano had to be removed.

Apr 28, 20243 min read
Ned's Point Light, Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
In 1923, the keeper's house for this 1838 lighthouse was floated across Buzzards Bay to begin a new life on Cape Cod.

Feb 6, 20245 min read
Bug Light, Portland, Maine
Did you know this 1877 lighthouse was modeled after a 4th-century Greek monument and the architect also built the dome on the US Capitol?

Jan 9, 20245 min read
Lubec Channel Lighthouse, Lubec, Maine
Due to its location, Lubec Channel Light Station probably is not a highly visited Maine lighthouse. It might not even be on your radar at...

Jan 1, 20244 min read
Yaquina Bay Lighthouse, Newport, Oregon
This light is the only wood lighthouse in Oregon and the only Oregon lighthouse to retain its original Keeper's Dwelling.

Dec 25, 20233 min read
Stratford Point Lighthouse, Stratford, Connecticut
Stratford Point is the earliest instance of a prefabricated cast iron lighthouse in Connecticut, and is one of the oldest in the nation.

Nov 30, 20234 min read
Black Rock Harbor Lighthouse, Bridgeport, Connecticut
This 200+ year old Connecticut lighthouse was run by Keeper Kate for nearly 60 years and she is credited with saving more than 20 lives.

Mar 12, 20236 min read
Dutch Island Light, Jamestown, Rhode Island
This Rhode Island light is one of the oldest established light stations in Narragansett Bay and sat in darkness for 3 decades.

Feb 27, 20233 min read
Coquille River Light, Bandon, Oregon
This beautiful light on Oregon's southern coast was the last government lighthouse built in the state and once sat abandoned for decades.

Feb 13, 20235 min read
Machias Seal Island Lighthouse, US/Canada
This island is the only land disputed by Canada and the US. Canada has maintained a light station on the island for nearly 200 years.

Jan 3, 20234 min read
Whaleback Light, Kittery, Maine
The current lighthouse was built in 1872. It shared the rocky shoal with the previous tower for 8 years, before the 1829 tower was removed.

Dec 5, 20223 min read
Sleepy Hollow Light, Tarrytown, New York
General Motors land reclamation caused this 1883 Hudson River lighthouse to go from being a half mile offshore to only about 50 feet.

Nov 13, 20223 min read
Portland Head Light, Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Portland Head Light is 1 of 4 colonial lighthouses commissioned by George Washington still standing with its original tower.

Nov 4, 20223 min read
Mulholland Point Light, Campobello Island, New Brunswick
Mulholland Point Light is part of Roosevelt Campobello International Park, the only joint national park shared between the US and Canada.

Oct 1, 20226 min read
Sandy Point Light, Prudence Island, Rhode Island
The lighthouse has the distinction of being the oldest surviving lighthouse in RI and has been an active lighthouse in 2 locations.

Sep 23, 20224 min read
Pea Point Island Light, Blacks Harbour, New Brunswick
Pea Point was one of two lights built at the entrance to Letang Harbour. Pea Point marks the eastern side and Bliss Island marks the west.

Sep 17, 20226 min read
Heceta Head Lighthouse, Florence, Oregon
The original 5-wick oil lamp equaled 800,000 candle power and was rotated by a 200-pound weight that slowly dropped down a 35-foot cable.

Sep 10, 20225 min read
St. Joseph North Pier Range Lights, St. Joseph, Michigan
From 1832 to 1907, many lights danced around the harbor. Finally, a new pair of range lights was built in 1907 and this set remains today.

Sep 3, 20225 min read
Goat Island Light, Newport, Rhode Island
Goat Island had been part of Newport and the United States' military history for 300 years by the time it was redeveloped for tourism.

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